1st Quarter Real Estate market snapshot


YTD All Summit County

There were a total of 303 transactions and $380,439,483 in monetary volume.

The average transaction price for all 18 areas, plus deed restricted transactions, was $1,295,284,

The average residential transaction price was $1,424,366

The average residential Price / sqft was $829. 


Market Snapshot for YTD 2024 vs YTD 2023:  

Average indicators for $ amount:

Single Family +18%

Multi- Family +6%

Vacant Land -31% (there has been very little activity)

Median indicators for $ amount:

Single Family +21%

Multi- Family -7%

Vacant Land -48%.


Comparative Historical Cost Analysis Comparison YTD 2024-2023-2022: 

In 2024, there were 235 transactions with $334,725,920 gross monetary volume with 127 properties selling for over $1M.

In 2023, there were 211 transactions with $282,899,824 gross $ volume with 98 properties selling for over $1M.

In 2022, there were 308 transactions with $416,484,430 gross $ volume with 145 properties selling for over $1M.